Take Control of Your Acne

Don’t Let Acne Ruin Your Skin

While we often associate acne with our teenage years, it doesn’t mean that as adults we are immune to acne. In fact, many adults find that they still experience breakouts rather regularly. Tackling your acne shouldn’t be a frustrating undertaking, which is why it’s a good idea to turn to Premier Dermatology Clinic, your Toms River, NJ dermatologist you can trust to help.

There are different approaches you can take to tackle your acne symptoms. Acne forms under the skin, so just removing the oils from the surface of your skin won’t do much to prevent breakouts. Ways to reduce or eliminate your acne include:

A Proper Skincare Regimen

Acne doesn’t appear because you aren’t cleaning your skin enough. In fact, washing too much or too vigorously can actually make acne worse or lead to more breakouts. If you are prone to acne, look for gentle or acne-specific cleansers. Acne cleansers can dry out the skin so it’s always a good idea to exfoliate once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and to prevent clogged pores.

It’s also important that you read the labels on all the products you use. You wouldn’t believe how many people use makeup or sunscreen without checking to make sure that it’s oil-free. Play it safe and always look for products that say they are non-comedogenic because then they won’t actually clog pores. And if you aren’t sure what products are right for you we can help you decide.

Sometimes Medication is Necessary 

In many cases, some form of medication is required in order to combat acne issues. In some cases, a prescription ointment, cream, or cleanser that contains acne-fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or Retin-A will do the trick. It can take between four to six weeks to see results, so don’t give up on a new product when you don’t see the effects right away. Even a good thing takes time.

Besides topical medications, our dermatologist may also prescribe antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and even Accutane to treat your acne symptoms. Accutane is a very strong prescription medicine but it’s a great option for those suffering from severe, cystic acne.

Premier Dermatology Clinic in Toms River, NJ, will be able to provide you with the care you need to get your skin back on track. Whether you only face acne problems from time to time or you have serious and frequent breakouts, a skin care professional will be able to set you up with a treatment plan that works for you.

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Premier Dermatology Clinic, LLC


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm